
Viewing Life Through The Lens Of A Paradox.



What Is It?


Astrology is the combination of Science and Art. It is a science in the observation and calculation of celestial planetary bodies. It is an art in the interpretation of their cosmic locale. At any moment in time, a snapshot of our solar system can be determined and deciphered.

The Zodiac is a sky map consisting of 360 degrees divided into 12 equal parts which make up the 12 different signs. Those signs are divided into 4 elements which we need here on Earth to survive:

FIRE- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

EARTH- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

AIR- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

WATER- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

The entire energy of the zodiac is instilled within all of us with certain signs being emphasized by planetary positions more than others. This is why you might sometimes read your general horoscope and it just doesn’t seem to fit. That’s because you are unique! -and have a special story which can be read from the exact moment of your birth.

Why Astrology? Why Now?

Why not? Astrology has been steadily studied and cultivated since the beginning of civilization. It has a rich history which has been passed down from generation to generation. And WOW! Now in our modern technological times, we have the stars at our fingertips, just pop-up an app and voila! Your destiny is before you.

I believe Astrology is God’s alphabet. Made up of numbers and figures. A grand design.

Where are your own cameos in that design? You can find them. I Promise.

Sunrise, Sunset

What are your thoughts on a sunrise vs a sunset? Can you feel a difference between the two? Most agree the feeling of a sunrise brings a sense of optimism, a get-up-and-go attitude for bringing in the day. A sunset, on the other hand, feels more like a winding down effect, a reflection back on the day, preparing for the evening rest. Now, consider a person taking their first breath upon our earth at either sunrise or sunset, does it matter?……….Yes.

What’s your time of birth? Let me know and let’s draw up your natal chart!

Final Homepage Thoughts

Astrology is Cool. That’s all.

I read sky code.